Thursday, December 10, 2015

Jim Basketball Jones Anti-bullying Assembly

On Monday, December 7 students in grades 4-6 attended an anti-bullying assembly starring Jim Basketball Jones. Using a combination of humor and basketball tricks, Jones explained to the students that life is about the choices we make and living with the consequences of those choices. He challenged the students to be the one person to make a difference in our community.

When asked what they learned, here's what students had to say:

"I learned that if you work hard you can accomplish many things."

"I learned that it doesn't matter what other people think about you, it's what you think about yourself and it's ok to be who you are, not anybody else."

"One thing I learned is to never give up."

 "I learned that helping is good and everyone can help no matter what."

"One thing I learned is that no one is perfect. Just be yourself."

"The one thing that I learned was that we have to say kind words to people."

We leave you with this thought: 
"Don't live your life to prove yourself. Live your life to IMprove yourself!"

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