Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Girls Only and a Boys Only Day

On Tuesday before Thanksgiving break, the fourth and fifth grade teachers collaborated and did something a little different.

The boys worked in the fifth grade area throughout the day.  They did a variety of team building activities which emphasized leadership, communication, and encouragement. They also completed a math and science activity, then had some time to work on a Christmas project.

The girls began their day by getting to know each other in small groups.  They then each created their own compliment bag.  They put their names on a bag and decorated it however they wanted.  Throughout the day, they each put compliments in each others bags.  At the end of the day, they went home with some great compliments from old and new friends!

Their other activity allowed the girls to work together in a small group, be creative, and reflect a little about who they are.  They used magazines that were sent in by parents (thank you!) and cut out words or pictures that they felt told something about them.

They used the magazine clippings to create a collage.  The teachers traced their silhouettes onto the back of the collage and then the girls cut them out and mounted it on black paper.  The projects ended up looking great and the girls had such a great time working together to complete them.

Each group ended their day with a presentation from the Cleveland Clinic on Hygiene.  It was a great talk and we appreciate the presenter coming to speak with our students.  They learned a lot and even left with a personal hand sanitizer!

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