Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Christmas Assembly

What a wonderful Friday we had!  The day before winter break is always very busy and this year was no different.

We started the day by opening up our Prize Box.  Students were able to use their soccer tokens which they earn for a variety of positive reasons throughout the school year to "buy" a wide assortment of items.  Thank you to our great PTO who allowed us to use a portion of our mini-grant money to buy items for our prize box!

The students then spent some time wrapping the gifts they made earlier in the week.  They worked hard to wrap their gifts and added yarn and bows to really make them look special!

The last thing we had time for before lunch was to watch the movie "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever."  We read the book together in class on Monday and Wednesday and the students enjoyed seeing the differences and similarities between the book and the movie.

In the afternoon we had our annual Christmas Assembly.  This year we did something a little different and students from each grade performed for the school.  Since fourth and fifth grade had just celebrated Grinch Day on Thursday, they recited "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" together.  They had been practicing all week and wore the Grinch masks that they made.

All of the students in every grade level did an excellent job performing!

We finished the day by celebrating at our Christmas party.  Thank you to the parents who helped put it together.  The students had a wonderful time and it was the perfect way to end the day!

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