Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Lolly the Trolley

On Thursday, May 26th, the fourth graders went on a tour of Cleveland aboard Lolly the Trolley. We caught the trolley outside the Cleveland Aquarium. The Power House building was the original power house for one of the early electric trolley companies.

From there, we traveled uphill, where we saw miniature reproductions of the Guardians of Transportation statues from the Hope Memorial Bridge.

We passed St. Malachi's Church which was busy administering to the homeless and economically disadvantaged of the Cleveland community. 

Once in Ohio City, we saw an old church that used to be a part of the Underground Railroad.

We also got to see an old firehouse which has been re-purposed and some of the beautifully restored homes in the area.

Next, we used the Hope Memorial Bridge to see Progressive Stadium and the Quicken Loans arena.

We then toured the Public Square area of Cleveland where we saw Tower City, the world's third tallest building when it was built in 1929. 

And the Soldiers and Sailors Monument. Did you know the statue at the top was done in the likeness of the artist's wife?

We got a good look down the newly designed Euclid Avenue while we were there, too. 

On the way back to the trolley parking lot, we saw places like the Cleveland Public Library, the Federal Reserve Bank, the Rockefeller Building, a replica of the first electric street light, and the Old Stone Church.

We got really lucky with the weather and the children were all very well behaved. I can truly say that a good time was had by all!

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