Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Field Day 2016

On Friday, May 27th, the fourth graders joined the rest of the elementary students in participating in another wonderful field day. Activities included:

  • student council relay
  • running long jump
  • high jump
  • shoe kick
  • corn hole
  • the 50-yard dash
  • tug-of-war
  • three-legged race
  • water balloon toss and vortex throw

It was a hot, muggy day, but PTO parents were hosing the kids down and keeping them well-hydrated. Thanks to all who volunteered and helped make this day special for the kids. A very special thanks to Mr. Taylor and Student Council, who planned and organized the events.

And to the administrators who provided lunch for the students. As well as to the teachers and parents who helped run activities and keep the kids safe. And, last but not least, to all the students who behaved appropriately and respectfully so everyone could relax, have fun, and enjoy the day!

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