Monday, May 23, 2016

Science Day

On Thursday, May 19, fourth graders participated in a school-wide Science Day. All of the teachers put aside their regular plans and conducted various science activities with the students. Fourth and fifth graders moved through a rotation supervised by the fourth and fifth grade teachers. 

With Mrs. Fedor, students reviewed alternative energy sources such as solar and wind power.

With Mrs. Rini, students created a slide with our friends from Millipore Sigma and then viewed the slide under the microscope. Our experts then shared information about good and bad bacteria.

With Miss Lemmer, students experimented with ramps trying to discover whether the weight of the car or the height of the ramp had a bigger affect on how far the car traveled.

With Mr. Taylor, students created a simple circuit with a switch and then tested various items for conductivity.

With Mr. Williams, students explored the affects of gravity by manipulating mini roller coasters.

Finally, with Mrs. Wallace, students explored what would make a rocket (empty pop bottle) fly the highest into the sky. The pop bottle was filled with various amounts of water and then put under pressure by pumping air into the inverted bottle with a bicycle pump. When the bottle was released, it flew into the air.

Click here to see a pop bottle being launched.

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