Friday, January 29, 2016

Reading Centers

This last week in reading we worked on a variety of centers.  The big topics we discussed were biography, Latin and Greek root words, author's point of view, and opinion writing.  We began on Wednesday by going over our checklist and getting all the directions necessary for class.

Our leveled reader this week was a biography on Nellie Bly, a reporter from the 1800's.  It was a very interesting story and discussed what she did with her life that lead to change.


We also worked on Latin and Greek root words.  The students completed a 'folder center' that I have had for many years.  They had 48 words that they had to sort into categories based on the root of the word.  They did a nice job working together!

We have also been working on author's point of view.  This week I used some great resources that I purchased from Teachers Pay Teachers.  Thank you PTO for the mini grant!  The students worked on a nonfiction point of view piece where they worked together to answer questions about an author's point of view.  They then worked on their own to respond to a paragraph that gave an author's point of view and they had to decide if they agreed or disagreed.

Our last center this week was on opinion writing.  The students read a paragraph and had to respond by writing their own paragraph that gave their opinion on the topic of pop machines in schools.  This was put on google classroom so the students were even able to do a little research on the internet to help support their opinion.  They also had the opportunity to practice their typing skills!

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