Friday, January 29, 2016

Reading Centers

This last week in reading we worked on a variety of centers.  The big topics we discussed were biography, Latin and Greek root words, author's point of view, and opinion writing.  We began on Wednesday by going over our checklist and getting all the directions necessary for class.

Our leveled reader this week was a biography on Nellie Bly, a reporter from the 1800's.  It was a very interesting story and discussed what she did with her life that lead to change.


We also worked on Latin and Greek root words.  The students completed a 'folder center' that I have had for many years.  They had 48 words that they had to sort into categories based on the root of the word.  They did a nice job working together!

We have also been working on author's point of view.  This week I used some great resources that I purchased from Teachers Pay Teachers.  Thank you PTO for the mini grant!  The students worked on a nonfiction point of view piece where they worked together to answer questions about an author's point of view.  They then worked on their own to respond to a paragraph that gave an author's point of view and they had to decide if they agreed or disagreed.

Our last center this week was on opinion writing.  The students read a paragraph and had to respond by writing their own paragraph that gave their opinion on the topic of pop machines in schools.  This was put on google classroom so the students were even able to do a little research on the internet to help support their opinion.  They also had the opportunity to practice their typing skills!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Opinion Paragraph

This week in reading class we focused on writing an opinion essay.  We began the lesson by looking at an example from our text series which was a great model for what the students would be doing.

The students were then given the question:

Should our school get rid of physical education?

This really got them thinking!  There were some strong opinions about this topic and it was great to see the students feel passionate about what they were writing.

We went through each step of the writing process beginning with prewriting.  In order to support an opinion, some facts and reasons are needed.  We used the chrome books to do a little research and complete a graphic organizer.

Once the research was complete, we moved on to the next steps in our writing process, drafting.  We began class by looking at a second example of an opinion essay and discussing the parts of that essay. We talked about what that author did and how she organized her ideas.  The students then spent time writing their drafts.

The following day in class it was time to revise and edit.  We again began by looking at a model and editing together.  The students then spent time peer editing.  Most were able to edit with two or three of their peers.  They enjoyed reading each other's ideas and helping each other during this process.

The students then rewrote their draft with all of their new edits.  They took it home to edit with a parent (thank you for your help at home with this!)

The last step of the process was to publish.  The students used their second draft and wrote their final copy in their neatest handwriting.

When we return to school next week students will be reading their paragraphs to the class.  Another important part of writing is sharing with others and speaking to a group.  The students are excited to share their opinions with each other!

Thursday, January 14, 2016

December Book It Participants

We are now half way through our Book It year.  I can't believe it has been three months already! Many students are working hard to complete their calendars and read each day.  I appreciate all the effort that is being put forth by the students who are meeting their daily reading goals.

Students who completed Book It this month again received their free pizza coupon and a glow in the dark worm toe token from Mrs. Houchen.  She enjoys giving out these toe tokens and the students enjoy collecting them!

Some students have completed Book It all three months and they received a special treat!  To reward them for their hard work, I gave out a homework pass good for one reading assignment along with a bookmark.

Thank you again to last month's participants and thank you to those of you at home who have encouraged them to read!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy 2016!  We feel well rested from our holiday break and are excited to start a new year.

After enjoying some time off, we thought it would be nice to return to school and reflect on our goals for 2016.  We took some time to have the students think about what they can do to improve themselves this year.  We talked about resolutions and new year promises.

They created their own Baby New Year and designed it to look like themselves when they were babies.  They wrote their promise on it and decorated the baby's diaper, too.

We put some on Mrs. Fedor's bulletin board and some on the students lockers.  They had fun completing this project and thinking about how to have a great 2016.